Research Question One: How do pro-growth signaling pathways govern lipid homeostasis?
Metabolic dysregulation contributes to many of the leading causes of diseases across the world, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Energetic homeostasis, including the dynamic regulation of lipids, is required for proper organismal growth, reproduction, stress management, and aging. A central goal of our lab is to understand how pro-growth signaling pathways control how lipids are allocated between essential biological processes to maintain metabolic homeostasis and health.
We are currently investigating how pro-growth signaling pathways, including mTOR, insulin/IGF, and various MAP Kinase pathways, control lipid homeostasis and lipoprotein production, which is a process fundamental to reproduction that also impacts the aging process. We are interested in understanding the cross-talk between these pathways and other conserved pathways, including neuronal hormonal signaling and canonical developmental programs, and how they coordinate metabolic control. Additionally, we are studying the molecular mechanism by which pro-growth signaling govern the balance between stress response, metabolic regulation, and healthspan. We use an interdisciplinary approach, employing genetic, cell biological, genomic, and biochemical techniques, in multiple model systems, including C. elegans and mammalian cell culture, to investigate this complex process.